Sentinel Aviation Private Jet Charter - Presentation - Page 9
24/7 London Motorcycle Couriers
Onboard Couriers
When you need urgent delivery of important documents,
Our time critical solutions provider ensure your shipments
parcels and packages you need a reliable courier company to
arrive at the right time at the right place. Their hand carry
guarantee the fastest delivery time. Our carefully chosen partner
services provide the fastest and safest time critical logistics
operates a network fleet of dedicated vehicles and drivers – from
solutions available across the globe. From providing your
express motorcycles and city motorbikes to dedicated vans and
business with a quotation and flight routing within 30 minutes,
larger Luton Box vans.
to getting your item safely on board accompanied by one of
their dedicated Onboard Couriers, can be a matter of hours.
+44 (0) 7831 670869
Aircraft Charter